Rishin Madan

Advisor: M. Kunz

Current Project: Using Casimir invariants to investigate generalized entropy production in collisionless plasmas.

Rishin arrived at Princeton in 2023 after graduating from the University of Oxford, having studied Physics and Philosophy for three years and Theoretical Physics for a fourth year. At Oxford, he investigated magnetoelastic waves and turbulent cascades in stratified, conducting fluids. He has interests in basic plasma science and plasma astrophysics, for which he utilizes both analytical and numerical approaches.

In his first year of the program, Rishin investigated the magnetic fields of quasisymmetric stellarators with Wrick Sengupta and Prof. Amitava Bhattacharjee. He derived a reduced, geometric model for quasi-poloidal symmetry. Additionally, he contributed to work showing a connection between the magnetic field strength on a quasi-axisymmetric flux surface and the Korteweg-de Vries equation, by applying a data-driven approach. 

In his spare time, he is an avid follower and player of cricket. He is happy to be contacted at any point to discuss plasmas, physics, or the program.