Sierra Jubin grew up in Fort Collins, Colorado, and received her undergraduate degree in physics from Williams College in 2017. She joined the Princeton Plasma Physics Program in the fall of that year, and her main research interests lie in the field of low temperature plasma physics.
Sierra spent her first year in the program designing and characterizing a flexible dielectric barrier discharge (DBD). The rest of Sierra’s time at Princeton has involved computational modeling of low temperature plasmas and surface interactions. She has used particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, and density functional theory (DFT) quantum chemistry codes to investigate a variety of problems. These range from an examination of boron adsorption on graphene surfaces to modeling electron beam-generated plasmas for use in materials processing. Her most recent work involves research into numerical thermalization in multidimensional PIC simulations.
In her free time Sierra enjoys hiking, gardening, haunting the sci-fi and fantasy shelves of her local library, and learning a variety of fiber arts! She misses the mountains, whether they be Rocky or Berkshire, but she has managed to find some nice hiking trails in New Jersey despite the flatter topography.
Sierra can be contacted at [email protected], and she’d be happy to answer questions about plasma physics or the program!